God values every age.
Sunday Children’s Ministry
Children's Ministry opportunities at St. John's include Sunday mornings children's messages and specialized children's ministry time during a portion of our 10am worship. There are also various family events held throughout the year. Find out about these seasonal events under the Events tab at the top of the page.
Join us as we find out about God’s greatness and great love for us at Vacation Bible School!
Dates TBA - June 2023
Join us for skits, a bonus bible story, a new desert creature, songs, games, and a snack each evening. We can’t wait to see you again!
Growing in Confirmation
Confirmation modules are held throughout the year. Youth age 12 and up can start with any module. Youth and parent attend each four week module together. Youth are invited to attend the Lord's Supper with the completion of the module on God's gifts to us. Youth are invited to be confirmed with the completion of four modules. There are five modules total to encourage ongoing faith development.
Faith Development Modules include:
Why am I Lutheran?
What do I believe?
What have I been given?
Where do I find answers?
Where do I turn?
Youth Family Events
Family time together refreshes the mind, heart, and soul. Each month, sometimes every other month, we gather to eat snacks, share a meal, play creative games, do a service project, talk, laugh, and celebrate God’s grace in our lives. Find more info about current events under the Events tab at the top of the page.
High School & Young Adults
The youth and young adults of St. John’s will travel to the Lutheran National Youth Gathering in New Orleans in July 2025. Sponsor a youth by putting a donation in their bucket at church. We are looking forward to youth and family nights to come! Check back for more.